
PIS and PASEP: Check your balance and statement using your CPF


PIS and PASEP are two benefits that integrate workers into the development of companies or public bodies. 

PIS is paid annually through Caixa Econômica Federal and was created in 1970 as a Social Integration Program that provides financial assistance to all Brazilian workers.

PASEP is a payment made through Banco do Brasil to all Brazilian public employees who work for the union, states, municipalities and the Federal District. 


Who has the right to receive PIS and PASEP?

To receive PIS, you must be an employee of a private company. The employer must register the worker by signing the work card.

To receive PASEP, employees who work in any public body also have the right to receive this benefit automatically.

PIS and PASEP (Image: Google)

To receive both PIS and PASEP, the worker must be active for at least 5 years and have a maximum income of two minimum wages. 

The amounts to be paid vary from R$ 101.00 for those who worked only one month in the base year or up to R$ 1,212.00 for those who worked the full 12 months of the base year.

To receive PIS, the calendar is based on the month of birth. Generally, those born in January start receiving it in February and those born in December start receiving it in March.

The annual calendar for receiving PASEP is based on the final number of the Nis registration, with numbers 0 and 1 usually being received in February and numbers ending in 8 and 9 in March.

How do I access my PIS and PASEP balance?

To find out the statement of benefits offered by the government, you don't need to go to a branch; you can check it yourself online and have access to all your data and available balance for withdrawal.

To make this query, you need to have a NIS, a social security number registered with Caixa Econômica bank. The employer is responsible for registering this number when the worker is hired by a company for the first time.

If the employee changes jobs, then his/her social security number will remain the same, and he/she will continue to receive PIS through the number that is already registered.

Step by step guide to checking PIS and PASEP

Access the official Caixa Econômica website

Now you must log in to your Caixa account.

If you don't have a registration, now is the time to do it.

Just enter your personal details: CPF and registered email and confirm.

After that, just click on the PIS option and on the other option on the payment query option.

At the end you will be able to see on the screen the amount you will receive.

To withdraw the amounts you can do so using your citizen card at any Caixa Econômica Federal ATM or lottery outlet.

But if you still don't have much ease with the internet or don't have access to this citizen card, you can still go to a bank branch and withdraw your PIS at the teller's window at Caixa Econômica Federal.

Or in the case of Pasep, you can go to Banco do Brasil and also withdraw your amounts at the teller's window.